Thursday, July 22, 2010

Wise Words from Susanna Wesley

Here is a great quote from Susanna Wesley about, in essence, our sensitivity to sin, and how to discern what sin is in our lives.

"Whatever weakens your reason, impairs the tenderness of your conscience, obscures your sense of God, takes off your relish for spiritual things, whatever increases the authority of the body over the mind, that thing is sin to you, however innocent it may seem in itself."~ Susanna Wesley

Sunday, July 18, 2010

In Search of Classy Nobility

This summer has been quite interesting so far. Not much writing has occurred since I started my math class, that was on the forefront. But throughout, I got these spurts of creativity, that may or may not have been displayed on Facebook. I wanted to find beautiful pictures to put as my profile pictures. Things that I thought were classy, or artsy, or anything my mind thought of. There is even a precious picture of a moose that is to be a reminder to all of my favorite animal. :0)

But, today I was quite disheartened in my pursuit of photographic artistry. Google certainly failed me, and Flickr will not let me save pictures anymore. Anything I typed I was mentally pushed into the onslaught of vulgarity and perverseness that truly did not match up with the words I was typing in the search engine.

I have been going through a Bible study on the book and character of Ruth. It is probably one of the best studies I have done. I have enjoyed daily going through it and learning about the remarkable character of Ruth. It is something that increasingly lost in this society. I think any Christian woman would agree that we crave to see this type of person out there in high society, making an impact in the world. Our cravings come up short because that is not what culture deems admirable. So we continue to find ourselves reducing ourselves to trying to live up to the standards left in the wake of cultures aftermath. We pick up the pieces and wonder why our hearts burn for something more. Praise God we have Ruth as an example, in written form of what this type of woman was like. Otherwise it would be just a fable in a book of virtues, left on a shelf to be picked up by a bored little kid in a bookstore. But it is true and alive.

As I am writing this now, I thought "maybe it is our job to do it." I was caught off-guard. I am so quick to sit here and complain of the extenuated circumstances without posing any real plan of action. Forgive me for my rant, but this topic affects me deeply. And after reading this book this thorough it breaking my heart to see the tired faces of women crawling on their knees to a false perfection. God's idea of beauty and noble character is so revolutionary 2,000 years later. If we only could grasp the concept and kept our vision in pursuing such a title. We would hurt less in our singleness, our marriages, our sibling-hood, and daughterhood...if those are even words. We would strive so much less because God has called us to seek this type of lifestyle. It is a joyful journey to try to match God step-for-step in His character. But, what must we do to encourage and bring women to an understanding of this? Would campaigning be enough? Would writing books on the effort cause heads to turn? I wish it were so because I would love to write that book.

I want to understand femininity, sophistication, classy-ness, timeless beauty, and loveliness. Doesn't any girl? What does God exactly say this is? How are we to classify it without stepping on people's toes, and most importantly on God's? I think this is His territory, if we allow Him to speak truth into the hearts of women we may actually have a clearer understanding when we see it through His eyes.

Read the book of Ruth. Ruth 3:11 is probably one of my top 10 favorite passages now. I wish someday for my husband to say such a thing about me, but most importantly for God to claim that over me. A woman of noble character...what an honor!